a bit about me:
I'm a PhD student in Computer Science at Brown University.
My research interests are in 3D Vision, Graphics, and Robotics.
My research primarily explores:
- Effective representations and methods for controllable generative simulation.
- Representation and control techniques for hand-object interactions.
- 3D vision understanding and reasoning.
I'm fortunate to work with
Prof. Srinath Sridhar
and Prof. Daniel Ritchie
at Brown IVL
& Brown VC Group.
Previously, I have enriched my research experience as an intern at
Microsoft Research Asia,
Autodesk AI Research,
and Meta GenAI.
Prior to this, I earned my Bachelor of Engineering degree from
the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Prof. Lin Gao and Prof. Xilin Chen.
I also had a wonderful time at
the University of Southern California and
the University of California San Diego, mentored by Prof. Hao Su.
Don't poke my cheeks!
¡no me toques las mejillas!
मेरे गाल मत दबाओ!
আমার গালে খোঁচা দিও না!
não cutuque minhas bochechas!
не тыкай меня в щеки!
ਮੇਰੀਆਂ ਗੱਲ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਨਾ ਮਾਰੋ!
đừng chọc má tôi!
నా బుగ్గలు కుట్టకు!
yanaklarımı dürtme!
내 뺨을 찌르지 마!
ne touchez pas mes joues!
stoß mir nicht in die Wangen!
என் கன்னங்களை குத்தாதே!
میرے گالوں کو مت مارو!
ojo nyocot pipiku!
non toccarmi le guance!
لا تكز خدي!